3D Visual Puzzle: This round puzzle features a stunning Autostereoscopy visual of a sunrise inside a cave, creating a captivating puzzle experience for adults. The puzzle is made from high-quality, durable materials and is designed to provide a challenging and rewarding puzzle-solving experience.,High-Quality Materials: The puzzle is made from high-quality, durable materials, including thick cardboard and precise laser cutting. Comes with an exquisite packing box and a high-resolution poster.The pieces are easy to assemble and fit together smoothly, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable puzzle-solving experience.,MORE TO PUZZLE BUILDING: Art jigsaw puzzles are a fun, inexpensive way to enjoy beautiful works of art first hand! Use to boost skills: hand-eye coordination, motor skills, problem solving, etc.,Unique Design:This round puzzle features a 3D visual design that showcases a beautiful and intricate scene inside a cave. It will be a great and special decoration for your home or office.,Perfect Gift: This round puzzle is a perfect gift for anyone who loves puzzles. It is a great way to spend quality time with family and friends, or to challenge yourself and improve your problem-solving skills.