Premium Acrylic Material: Constructed with premium acrylic, our ladder bookshelf offers a unique blend of sophistication and durability. Never worry about the peeling veneer.,Space-Saving: 9.5" D x 15.6" Wx 59" H, compact size ensures it can fit into smaller areas, making it suitable for apartments, offices, or any space with limited room. The open design allows for easy access to your belongings, making organization effortless.,Wall Mounted Design: The ladder-style design mounts gracefully against the wall, maximizing vertical space while creating an eye-catching display. It's a perfect solution for those who appreciate a minimalist aesthetic.,Modern Aesthetics and Durability: Elevate your interior with the modern aesthetics of our acrylic ladder shelf, seamlessly blends with various decor styles. The transparent nature of acrylic adds a modern and airy feel to any room. Plus, the sturdy construction ensures long-lasting durability, making it a reliable addition to your home or office.,Easy to Clean and Install: Enjoy hassle-free maintenance with the easy-to-clean acrylic surface. The straightforward installation process ensures that you can effortlessly set up your bookshelf.