Efficient adhesive hooks:These sticky hooks work on various surfaces, including wood, ceramic tiles, marble, glass, metal, and plastic. Ideal for hanging towels and shower brushes in the bathroom, keeping kitchenware organized in the kitchen, and serving as handy storage hooks in the office.,Multipurpose Picture Hangers:These wall hooks are robust, holding up to 13 lbs each. They're versatile and handy for different purposes like hanging items on shower doors, arranging kitchen tools, serving as hooks in the bathroom and for coats, securing keys on walls, and even keeping towels in place in the shower. With 20 hooks in a set, they cover the daily needs of a family quite well.,No Damage Wall Hangers: Installing these wall hangers without nails on the wall is easy and doesn't involve using nails, providing a no-damage solution. You won't need to drill any holes, and when you choose to take them down, they won't leave any marks on the wall, keeping it clean and tidy.,Well Concealed Picture Frame Hanger: These heavy duty picture hangers include a see-through cover that effortlessly matches the wall, making the wall hook under the frame almost invisible. This clever concealment ensures that the hook marks remain hidden, maintaining the overall beauty of your decoration.,Premium Material Adhesive Wall Hooks: The no nail wall hangers are made with top-notch materials, including a Plastic Protective Film, Traceless Viscose, a Premium PVC base, and Stainless Steel Screws. These high-quality components contribute to its strength and durability.