5 riding modes: 1.Tricycle without pedals for baby learn to walk 2.Baby walker without pedal for baby can go a little steps 3.Tricycle with pedals for child learn to ride 4. Baby walker with pedals for child learn to ride better 5. 2-wheel mode Balance bike without pedals for kid to sliding,ADJUSTABLE SEAT & HANDLEBARS: This kids tricycles adjustable seat grows with your child, suitable for children from 1 to 3 years up to 30kg. This upgraded kids tricycle has an enlarged body size so that can be used for a wider range of ages. Easy-grip handlebars, 5 adjustment angles, can be adjusted at any time according to the kids riding posture.,DESIGNED FOR SAFETY: This functional toddler tricycles bike has sturdy carbon steel frame, supportive soft seat, fully&widen quiet ride wheels, 60 degree steering limited to avoid kids side falling. Easy to assemble, take only 3 steps to assemble it.You can finish it in 5 minutes.,Sturdy and Durable: This toddler balance bike has stable triangle structure design protects from tipping over, durable carbon steel frame and fully enclosed EVA foam wheels enable your kids more fun and safe to play.,WHAT YOU WILL GET - Elantrip trike-Purchase the toddler bike with confidence! If you have any problem about this kids tricycles, please contact us, we will try our best to solve your problem and give you a satisfactory reply.