XPIY Tricycle for Toddlers Age 2-5 Years Old, 3 in 1 Folding Toddler Bike for Boys and Girls, Kids' Bike Trike with Detachable Pedal and Adjustable Seat (Blue)

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?Recommended Ages: The 3-in-1 toddler tricycle is suitable for children aged 2-5 years old. It can be used in Balance-Bike-Mode for 24-32 month old toddlers, and in Pedal or pedal-less Tricycle-Mode for 3-5 year old kids. The seat height is adjustable from 15.7 to 18.5 inches, allowing it to grow with your child.,?Sturdy and Durable: Made of durable carbon steel, this tricycle ensures stability and high quality. The puncture-resistant EVA wheels do not require inflation and won’t scratch or damage floors. The tricycle can handle various outdoor terrains. It also features non-slip rubber handle grips for added comfort.,?Toddler Riding Toy: This trike is designed to fit kids of different ages and is larger and more flexible than other similar bikes/tricycles. It has a foldable design for convenient outdoor play and storage. The non-slip handlebar, adjustable seat, and detachable pedal provide a comfortable riding experience for your child.,?Easy to Assemble and Foldable: With clear instructions, you can quickly and easily assemble the 3-in-1 tricycle in just a few minutes. It also folds easily for quick and convenient storage or transportation.,?Ideal Gift Choice: This toddler tricycle makes a great gift for boys and girls on birthdays, Children’s Day, or Christmas Day. It encourages kids to explore and enjoy the world around them, while also helping them develop balance, coordination, and confidence.,?Safety Assurance: The tricycle has obtained ASTM F963-11 and EN71 certifications, ensuring its safety. It has been tested and approved by a US Lab. All materials and designs are safe for kids. We offer a 30-day money back assurance, 2 years guarantee, and lifetime customer service. If you encounter any issues, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your order number.
Tricycle forToddlers

Great riding toys will be your children's favorite. Our trike is designed to accompany your children through their childhood. Taking a ride on XPIY 3 in 1 tricycle for toddlers, children would be happy and have a healthy childhood.

Foldable tricycle

XPIY Tricycle
XPIY Tricycle for toddlers

Material: Carbon Steel Frame, Curved PU Seat, EVA Foam Tires

Corlor: Blue

Weight: 8.8lbs

Seat: Adjustable

Recommend Age: 2 to 4 Years Old

Foldable Tricycle for Toddlers

Space Saving:

Kids tricycle usually take up large spaces. Our trikes are foldable so you easily can store it when it is not in use without taking much spaces and you can put it in the trunk of your car when you go out camping or traveling after fold

Height-Adjustable Seat

Anti-Slip Tires

Anti-Slip Handle

Height-Adjustable Seat

Adjustable seat allows trike to accompany your kids for several years. You can adjust the height of seats to meet your children's requirements.

Anti-Slip Tires

Anti-slip tires ensure the stability of the tricycle and can cope with all kinds of roads.

Anti-Slip Handle

Non-slip handle makes it easier for children to hold and control

Tricycle for toddlers age 1-3

Our tricycle combines baby walker mode,balance bike mode and tricycle mode in one.

2 Wheels Balance Bike Mode: help babies learn the ability of balance and walking, gain confidence.

Baby Walker Mode: This mode has good stability and allows kids to exercise their strength.

Tricycle Mode: This mode allows kids to ride, train enjoy the fun of riding

Safe Bell

Rotatable Tires

Removable pedals

Safe Bell

Alert passersby and ensure the safety of children

Rotatable Tires

Make it easier for you to switch from 3-wheel mode to a 2-wheel mode in just a few seconds without tools.

Removable pedals

Removable pedals make it easier to switch from baby walker mode to tricycle mode.

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