Superior and steady signal transfer of video signals up to 1024 x 768 pixel resolution is ensured by gold-plated connections.,HDMI to RCA cable is to connect and transfer signals between HDMI and RCA ports. transfers high resolution digital audio or video files without compression.,Easy to use, no need to install drivers—this cable is perfect for A/V receivers, TV sets, projectors, high-definition DVD players, and other devices with HDMI compatibility.,Please take note that you cannot connect this cable directly to a TV from a PC, laptop, PlayStation4, Xbox, or other device having an HDMI interface. Please ensure that both devices are capable of signal coding and decoding; if not, an HDMI to RCA converter will be required.
HDMI to Cable 5ft/1.5m 1080P HDMI Male to 3 Video Audio AV Cable Connector Adapter Transmitter for TV HDTV DVD VCD