Fast 5G WiFi and Bluetooth 5.1 Connectivity: Equipped with the latest 5G WiFi for faster and smoother performance. Built-in Hi-Fi speakers and Bluetooth 5.1 allow easy connection to Bluetooth speakers for a 360-degree immersive audio experience.,Large Screen and Zoom Function: Supports projection screen sizes from 30 to 200 inches, with a recommended range of 40 to 100 inches. The zoom function allows screen size adjustment from 50% to 100%, ensuring perfect image projection and optimal viewing.,Bright Projection: With 16000 lumens brightness, it delivers vibrant and rich colors 3 times brighter than other 1080P projectors.,Ultra-High Brightness and Clear Picture Quality: With native 1080P resolution and 16000 lumens brightness, this projector is three times brighter than other 1080P projectors. It uses the latest color technology and image edge processing algorithms to ensure detailed and vibrant visuals.