Versatile Connectivity: Equipped with multiple input options including HDMI, VGA, AV, BNC, and USB, making it compatible with a variety of devices such as PC, CCTV, security cameras, DVD, Xbox, Switch and so on.,High-Quality Display: Enjoy clear and vibrant visuals with the 1280 x 800 IPS screen, providing excellent color accuracy and wide viewing angles for gaming and video surveillance.,Portable and Compact: The mini portable design, coupled with a sturdy metal housing, ensures durability and convenience, making it easy to carry and set up anywhere.,Enhanced Audio Experience: Built-in dual speakers deliver clear and immersive sound, enhancing your multimedia and gaming experiences without the need for external speakers.,User-Friendly Features: Comes with a stand for easy setup, and a remote control for effortless operation, allowing you to adjust settings and switch inputs with ease.