Optional Cloud Storage with Encryption: Offers a choice to subscribe to AES 128-bit encrypted cloud storage (to be bought separately), which comes with video recording, playback, and sharing capabilities.,Durable and Weather-Resistant: The camera holds an IP65 rating, making it both dustproof and waterproof. This ensures its performance is reliable and consistent, no matter what the weather brings.,Motion Alerts: Stay in the loop with instant alerts sent to your mobile device whenever motion is detected at your doorstep.,Two-Way Audio Communication: Stay connected with your loved ones and talk to them in real-time, regardless of your location. You can also grant access to other family members, allowing for simultaneous remote monitoring.,Wi-Fi Compatibility: This camera works solely with 2.4GHz Wi-Fi networks, ensuring a stable and reliable connection. Please note that it does not support 5GHz Wi-Fi.