ENSURE THE SAFETY OF YOUR LOVED ONES: Monitor your kids and vehicle with our car tracker device. Our vehicle tracker allows you to create Geofences that alert you when your vehicle enters or exits defined areas. Additionally, it monitors the length of time your car spends in certain areas. This feature promotes safer driving habits, reducing accidents, injuries, and associated costs. It also contributes to reduced vehicle wear and tear and lower fuel consumption.,MONITOR DRIVING BEHAVIOR: Our OBD II vehicle monitoring gadget tracks driving habits such as speeding, abrupt acceleration, turns, stops, duration, and mileage. This feature identifies opportunities for improvement in driving behavior, promoting safer and more efficient driving practices for both individual and fleet drivers.,TRACK REAL-TIME SURVEILLANCE: Maintain surveillance over your vehicle or commercial fleet with our GPS tracker for cars. Our portable GPS tracker will send alerts when your car is on the move, ensuring peace of mind that your car and valuables are safe. Moreover, it helps clients ensure driver safety and compliance with regulations, reducing the risk of fines, penalties, and legal liabilities.,EASY TO INSTALL: Our car tracker device offers unparalleled ease of installation, making it an ideal solution for anyone seeking hassle-free monitoring of their vehicles or assets. Our car tracker device can be simply plugged into the OBD II port under the dashboard of any car. No professional installation or batteries are needed. With our mini GPS tracker, monitoring the location of your loved ones or assets becomes effortless. Additionally, our service includes a subscription plan for continuous tracking.,AFFORDABLE SUBSCRIPTION OPTIONS: Choose from three affordable plans starting at $17.99 (BASIC), $27.99 (PLUS), or $34.99 (PREMIUM), all on an annual basis, with the flexibility to cancel anytime hassle-free. Alongside cost savings from improved safety and reduced accidents, clients are empowered with valuable data and insights to optimize fleet performance, route efficiency, and compliance.