Premium GPS Tracker — The LandAirSea 54 GPS tracker provides accurate global location, real-time alerts, and geofencing. Easily attaches to vehicles, ATVs, golf carts, or other critical assets.,Track Movements in Real-Time — Track and map (with Google Maps) in real-time on web-based software or our SilverCloud App. Location updates as fast as every 3 seconds with historical playback for up to 1 year.,Powerful & Discreet — The motion-activated GPS tracker will sleep when not in motion for extended periods, preserving the battery life. The ultra-compact design and internal magnet create the ultimate discreet tracker.,Lifetime Warranty — This GPS tracker is built to last. LandAirSea, a USA-based company and pioneer in GPS tracking offers a unconditional lifetime warranty that covers any manufacturing defects in the device encountered during normal use.,Subscription Required — Affordable subscription plans are required for each device. Fees start as low as $9.95 for annual plans and $19.95 for monthly plans. No contracts, cancel anytime for a hassle-free experience.