5" GPS navigator with driver alerts and travel data.,Easy-to-use 5" GPS navigator includes detailed map updates of the U.S. and Canada.,Simple on-screen menus and bright, easy-to-see maps. Spoken turn-by-turn directions guide like a friend, using street names and landmarks.,Road trip-ready with The HISTORY Channel database of notable historic sites, a U.S. national parks directory, TripAdvisor traveler ratings and millions of Foursquare points of interest (POIs). Up Ahead feature shows upcoming stops for food, fuel and other milestones along your route.,Included Components: Garmin Drive 52, Vehicle Suction Cup Mount, Vehicle Power Cable, USB Cable, Quick Start Manual.
Garmin Drive 52: GPS Navigator with 5” Display Features Easy-to-Read menus and maps Plus Information to enrich Road Trips (Renewed)