Great Value for the Price: Imagine having both audio and video capabilities in your baby monitor, all at the same price as a traditional audio-only baby monitor. Yes, you heard it right! ChildsFarm brings you the best value for your money by providing superior functionality without breaking the bank, making it the go-to choice for smart parents like you.,Easy to Set Up: ChildsFarm video baby monitor stands out with its effortless setup process. You can skip the hassle of complicated installations. Say goodbye to Wi-Fi connectivity issues and the need for additional apps.,Privacy and Security: Experience unparalleled peace of mind with our baby monitor equipped with the 2.4GHz FHSS technology. Unlike Wi-Fi monitors that pose potential security risks, our technology guarantees that hackers cannot invade your network, protecting the precious privacy of both you and your little one.,Infrared Night Vision & All Day Caring: Childs Farm baby monitor features infrared night vision, providing clear visibility of your baby even in complete darkness. With automatic switching to night vision mode, you can monitor their sleep without disruption. Whether day or night, ChildsFarm ensures continuous monitoring for your peace of mind and all-day care.,VOX Mode: Which means you choose how loud the noise detects and your screen will turn on when it's detected, and stay off when there is no noise. This mode is optional. It's easy to use. Say goodbye to constant screen illumination that disrupts your sleep during the night.