High-Definition Clarity: Capture every detail with the HD 1080P resolution of our wearable body camera. Perfect for law enforcement, security professionals, and daily use, it offers crystal clear video and audio recording, ensuring you never miss a moment.,Versatile Recording Angles: With its 180° rotatable lens, this portable camera adapts to any situation, providing flexible viewing angles for work, sports, or any outdoor adventure. It's the ideal tool for comprehensive documentation and surveillance.,Extended Recording Time: Equipped with a powerful 1200mAh battery, our small but mighty body cam records up to 8 hours on a single charge. Plus, with the convenience of charging while recording, you're always ready to capture what matters most.,Superior Night Vision: Illuminate the darkness with two LED fill lights and capture clear, detailed footage even in low light conditions. The 1.3” LCD screen ensures easy operation, making it perfect for nighttime security, outdoor exploration, and more.,Seamless Connectivity: Effortlessly manage your recordings with WiFi connectivity and the intuitive Viidure App. Whether you're reviewing footage on the go or sharing critical videos, stay connected and in control with our advanced body camera.