Fully Stock Your Classroom: Keep your classroom or remote learning setup fully stocked with this set of 6 packs of A8 wired headphones in different colors. Each set is individually wrapped for easy distribution.,High-Quality & Durable: Made with thickened nylon cable and gold-plated jacks, these kids headphones can withstand up to 44 lbs of weight and maintain a stable connection after over 10,000 uses. Invest in a reliable and long-lasting tool for your student's education.,Comfortable & Adjustable: With soft, over-ear breathable protein leather ear pads and a thick padded headband, these headphones eliminate ear fatigue and provide maximum comfort for hours of use. The adjustable headband is perfect for kids and teens of different sizes.,Enhance Learning Experiences: Featuring a built-in microphone, AILIHEN A8 kids headphones are perfect for interactive learning and online discussions. They also help students focus and perform better during standardized testing.,Universal Compatibility: Equipped with a 3.5mm jack, these headphones are compatible with most devices including Chromebooks, laptops, computers, and other mobile devices.