Complete dress-up-and-play set includes everything a child needs to look the part, plus exciting accessories to spur imaginative play.,Includes pink dress, cap, ready-to-personalize name tag, color-coordinated apron with oversize pockets, dry-erase order ticket and sturdy tray.,High-quality fabrics and construction ensure durability.,Machine-washable costume and wipe-clean accessories; this product ships in its own special e-commerce packaging intended to be easier to open and reduce waste (curbside recyclable),One size fits ages 3--6.
This adorable waitress costume is "made to order" for restaurant play! The pretty pink dress comes with a cap and ready-to-personalize name tag, plus a color-coordinated apron with pockets that conveniently store the included menu and dry-erase order ticket. A sturdy tray completes this professional look, and is ready to "serve up" years of imaginative food service fun!