JBL Pure Bass Sound: The JBL Tune 520BT features the renowned JBL Pure Bass sound, the same technolgy that powers the most famous venues all around the world.,Wireless Bluetooth 5.3 technology: Wirelessly stream high-quality sound from your smartphone without messy cords with the help of the latest Bluetooth technology.,Customize your listening experience: Download the free JBL Headphones App to tailor the sound to your taste with the EQ. Voice prompts in your desired language guide you through the Tune 520BT features.,Up to 57H battery life and speed charge: For long-lasting fun, listen wirelessly for up to 57 hours and recharge the battery in as little as 2 hours with the convenient Type-C USB cable. A quick 5-minute recharge gives you 3 additional hours of music.,Hands-free calls with Voice Aware: Easily control your sound and manage your calls from your headphones with the convenient buttons on the ear-cup. Hear your voice while talking, with the help of Voice Aware.
The JBL Tune 520BT headphones stream powerful JBL Pure Bass sound for up to 57 hours, thanks to the latest 5.3 BT technology. Quickly rechargeable, they sit comfortably on your head even after hours of listening pleasure. With a flat-folding design, the JBL Tune 520BT easily fits in your backpack to follow you everywhere.