Plastic,Firefighter role play costume set includes: Fire hat, washable vest, walkie talkie, fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher sprays water if filled, kids will find the method of use from the fire extinguisher bottle.,Police costume set includes: Police hat, police washable vest, walkie talkie, handcuffs, whistle. Open & close handcuffs, and real whistle make the role playing more realistic. Police and firefighter walkie talkie with updated version in April 2024, the new and old versions are delivered randomly from the warehouse.,Engineer role play costume set includes: Engineer hard shell hat, engineer washable vest, hammer, wrench, screwdriver, pliers. Perfect for playing with construction trucks.,Fireman and policeman walkie talkie will have fire alarm sound or siren sound if install aa battery, battery not included. Breathable fabric washable vest with reflective stripe, hook & loop fastener dress up outfit for a wide range of ages 3-7yr girls and boys.,Great learn and play toy, you kids will do role play by having appropriate stuffs, wearing them around the house, encouraging fun, enhance imagination, social skills, creativity while playing. Perfect gift for birthday, Halloween, Christmas, play game, dress up show, etc.