Premium Quality Brushes: Crafted with high-quality synthetic hair, these brushes are built to withstand various paints and mediums. The seamless aluminum ferrules maintain their shape and prevent paint from seeping through the bristles, ensuring durability and longevity.,Convenient Storage: Keep your brushes organized and easily transportable with the compact and durable case included in this set. No more worrying about misplacing your brushes or damaging their delicate bristles.,Perfect for Miniatures: Ideal for intricate and detailed painting work on models, miniatures, and other art projects. The fine bristles allow you to create intricate designs, fine lines, and exquisite details with ease.,Versatile Set: Explore a wide range of painting projects with this 10-piece set. It includes 3 round brushes, 2 spotter brushes, 1 short liner brush, 2 liner brushes, 1 fan brush, and 1 dagger brush, offering versatility for all your fine detailing needs.,Ergonomic Design: The hexagonal pen barrel features a rounded finish for a natural and comfortable grip. This anti-roll design keeps your brushes from rolling off your workspace, ensuring stability during your painting process.