Goatskin Covered Hard Shell Knuckle - The gloves are made from high grade goat skin that ensures durability through a variety of situations. The knuckles are hard shell PVC which provides the utmost protection to your hands in the event of a knock or crash.,About the size- The glove size runs smaller than regular, please consider choosing one size up when placing the order.,Stretch Lips at Fingers and Back Hand - There is added capable expansion of the fingers and wrist of the glove. This allows the glove to expand or shrink with your hand depending on a change in weather or blood pressure.,Elastic at Wrist - The elastic strap around the wrist of the glove provides complete user control over how tight the glove fits on the hand. The elastic and Velcro system are used in tandem to tighten or loosen the glove according to user preference.,Touchscreen Function - The thumb and forefinger have touch screen capability. The gloves can be used with any number of touch screen devices without the user having to remove the glove. This makes them ideal for outdoor use.