TARGETED APPLICATION— A clean, even application of lube everytime. Our unique design features two exit ports spaced according to your chain size to ensure total coverage of every link.,MESS FREE— Minimizes overspray, and excess chain lube from getting on your motorcycle.,FITS ANY CAN— Our patent-pending lever locks Oinker onto any can and prevents it from spinning as the chain moves. Other tools without this feature often fall off or spin during use. ADD TO CART NOW to experience hassle-free lubrication.,ADJUST FOR CHAIN GUARDS— Easily fit into tight spaces with our rotating dispenser. Perfect for ATVs and bikes with chain guards.,ERGONOMIC DESIGN— No more having to aim while spinning rear wheel. Our finger pad allows you to feel the position of the tool without needing to see it.,EASY TO CLEAN— Our tool features an easy-to-clean chamber.,THOROUGHLY TESTED— Confidence in quality. Oinker has undergone extensive testing, backed by a year of design refinement and experience.