Flexible and easy to maneuver: This cleaning cart is designed to transport cleaning tools easily, saving your energy and increasing cleaning efficiency. It comes with four silent wheels, each with brakes, ensuring smooth movement without leaving marks on the floor.,Integrated base sink: The base is equipped with a sink that can effectively collect water dripping from wet mops and wet cloths to prevent the floor from getting wet and dirt from spreading. Additionally, the sink can be easily removed from the cart for easy water disposal.,Humanized Design: This cleaning cart has a simple and intuitive design, suitable for users of all ages, including the elderly and children, making cleaning tasks a breeze.,Enhanced Upper Rack: Compared to similar products, our upper rack features a true spring-loaded bracket that holds heavier tools securely without slipping. Larger hanging range accommodates thicker tools.,POWERFUL STORAGE CAPACITY: The broom and mop box holds up to 8 long-handled tools of different sizes and materials, while 10 hooks provide additional storage space for smaller items. The bottom sink is spacious enough to accommodate large cleaning tools such as buckets.
This versatile cart give great storage capacity, making it easy to organize and access your cleaning tools. Broom and mop holder holds up to 8 long-handled tools of various thicknesses and materials. Say goodbye to cluttered closets and inefficient storage methods. In addition, the cart comes with 10 foldable hooks, providing ample space for hanging smaller items such as brushes and dustersPacking size: 105*50*13cmTarget Audience: Unisex AdultsItem weight: 7kgNumber of wheels : 6Caster type: Swivel:Product packaging quantity: 1Attributes: Neutral packaging, general goods, uncharged1*Mobile mop stand1*carton outer box