Large Storage Space: The media cabinet with doors has four tiers for placing a DVD player, receiver, gaming console, laptop, or books. This media cabinet with doors also has cable management holes to organize your cables.,Glass Door: Tempered glass doors with push-to open latch allows you to store the items you need easily while still being able to see inside for display. Any electronics inside the media stand will still easily receive signals through the glass.,Adjustable Shelves: The upper and lower shelves inside the audio cabinet are adjustable in three levels to facilitate your multiple storage needs.,Sturdy Construction: This AV cabinet is made from high-quality particleboard and 4mm thick tempered glass. An anti-toppling device is included for increased stability.,Audio Rack Cabinet Information: Overall Dimensions: 21.25" W x 15.75" D x 35.75" H, Weight Capacity: 66 lbs. (total), 11 lbs. (single tier).