7 Pieces 7 Colors retro game themed stackable novelty night light. Seven-piece interlocking light fixture for fans of Magic Block.,Pieces can be stacked together. LED light turns on when the blcoks are stacked together and stays off when disassembled. Power: Plugs into standard outlet. On/Off switch in the main block.,You get one of each shaped light per set. Multiple sets can be combined for super-keen illumination. When stacked, the Tetra blocks emit a warm glow. Remove a shape, and it turns off.,A perfect mood lamp or panel light, or night light at home. Great Gift for birthday Halloween and Christmas decorations and so on. Ideal for sparkling creativity at the office, at school, at SENIOR Homes, at home etc.,Dimensions: The thickness of each block is 1.6in/4cm. Package Dimensions: approx. 11.9x8.2x1.8 in / 30x21x5 cm. Weight: 1.3lbs / 0.6kg. The product has been remodeled and upgraded.