LED Backlight Synchronized with Music: The TV LED backlight has a built-in microphone that collects music and ambient sound intensity in real time. Pressing the music button on the remote control will change the color and speed according to the outside sound.,Upgraded Remote Control: The 24-key remote control has 10 levels of brightness that can increase ambient light, reduce contrast between the brightness of the TV and the dark environment, and relieve eye fatigue. There are also 4 dynamic flicker modes for a better visual experience.,Multi-Application: The TV strip lights are suitable for living room, home theater, house, and various holiday decorations like Halloween and Christmas. The low heat 5V USB power supply makes the decoration safer.,Easy Installation: The 13.1ft TV backlight can illuminate every side of your TV. The mini receiver can be hidden behind your TV. Stronger foam adhesive and clips ensure the RGB LED light bar is securely fixed on your TV.,Premium After-Sales Service: If there is any problem with the product, contact us within 24 hours for technical support. You can buy our light strips for TV with confidence.