【7-In-1 Tricycle】: This HONEY JOY tricycle can be easily converted into 7 various modes: toddler tricycle, steering tricycle, learn-to-ride trike, stand alone trike or classic trike, which will be a rewarding investment for kids and accompanies your little one’s growth from 1-5 years old.,【Adjustable Canopy & Push Handle】: Providing with different angles of shades, the large adjustable canopy protects your baby from sun’s rays. With the height-adjustable push handle, parents control the steering and speed of this tricycle with ease. Additionally, the tricycle for toddlers can also be removed to let kids enjoy free riding.,【One-Button Reversible Infant Seat】: For better interaction and added safety, we specially designed one-button 360°reversible seat, allowing you to interact with your curious baby face to face on the go and observe your kid’s every move. Just press the button under seat and turn the seat around to realize the function.,【Ensures Safety, Comfort, Convenience】: Equipped with seat cushion with 3-point safety belt, the baby tricycle provides the perfect combination of comfort and safety. Detachable safety bar, double brakes, foldable footrest give a carefree ride for your baby. Moreover, rear large box and cup holder add more convenience for storage.,【Trustworthy Quality & Portable Design】: Constructed of heavy-duty steel and durable PP material, the push tricycle for toddlers is sturdy to hold up to 55lbs. And wear-resistant and non-slip wheels ensure high performance on almost all terrain. Portable and foldable, the baby tricycle can be folded into a small size for easy traveling.