5-in-1 Convertible Kids Scooter: Kids ages 2 to 5 years old will have endless fun outdoors with this multi-function toy. With its 5-in-1 system, you can easily convert your Kick Scooter to a Balance Bike or a Tricycle for toddlers by simply pushing buttons.,2 Scooter Options: You can also modify the scooter modes for added stability for new users, just choose from 3-wheel mode and 2-wheel riding mode. The 3-wheel scooter mode can function as a kick scooter with training wheels, helping them with balance until they can manage the 2-wheel stand mode.,No Tools Needed: A practical feature that comes with its convenient design is that there are no tools needed to assemble the Larktale scoobi Scooter, not even when you convert between the different rider modes available to this toddler tricycle. The push buttons with clear numbered indicators allow you to easily switch the wheel positioning for each rider mode.,Space Saver: The best part is that the Larktale scoobi kick scooter, balance bike, and toddler tricycle won't take up too much space as it's made to be compact. This 5-in-1 will only need one parking spot in your home.,Keep Your Kids Entertained for Years to Come: Sturdy and durable, this flexible, 5-in-1 convertible scooter is made to bring fun to outdoor activities for years to come, offering multiple sporty ride modes for different ages and stages. Larktale offers a limited 2-year warranty which includes product repairs or replacements.