Safer Balance Bike:Children's Product Certificate(CPC certification),our balance bike has undergone testing that meets American standards,and after improved production process processing,the toddler balance bike has no burrs and no odor;,Novel design:Our toddler bike is suitable for children aged 2 to 4 years old,unlike ordinary two wheel balance bike and three wheel toddler bike,our balance bike 2 year old combines the advantages of both,allowing for fast forward movement while also maintaining stability;,Convenient assembly:Different with other balance bike 2+ year old with many screws,our toddler balance bike use more button type links at the connections,which are more secure and convenient to install.And the inclination angle of the seat can be adjusted;,Lightweight:Our tricycle for toddlers age 3-5 weighs no more than 2.62 pounds.Two year old children can easily move it without the help of parents.It can also exercise children's Motor coordination ability;,Perfect Birthday Gift:Still worrying about your child's birthday gift? Our toys for 2 3 4 year old boys girls can not only exercise children's balance ability,but also shape their brave and strong character,making it the perfect 2-4 year old girl boy birthday gift.Our baby bike has a two-year warranty.If you have any questions,please contact us promptly.