Liner,4-in-1 Multi-functional Tricycle: This toddler tricycle is ideal for children aged 1-7 years old. It can be used as a push tricycle, steering tricycle, learning to ride tricycle and independent tricycle to meet your baby's needs at different stages of development,Foldable Design, Convient To Travel: This bike stroller is designed to fold quickly to maximize the use of space. You can put the tricycle stroller in the trunk for traveling or store it more conveniently,360°Swivel Seat and 3 Gear Adjustable Backseat: This tricycle for toddlers has a 360-degree swivel seat so that your baby can better interact with you face-to-face. The adjustable backrest allows your child to sit or recline in the seat for more comfort,Full Wrap Sunshade: This trike stroller has a multi-layer collapsible sunscreen material sunshade with snap-on design that opens all the way like a helmet to better protect your baby from the elements, it has a large breathable skylight that makes it easy for your baby to observe the sky and for parents to keep an eye on their child's movements,Scientific Design to Protect Your Child's Safety: Designed with removable guardrails and a five-point safety belt, it can effectively maintain your child's correct sitting posture. The wheels are made of titanium alloy wheels with a clutch knob on the front wheel and a dual brake system on the rear wheel to ensure your child's safety while riding,Product Installation: Kid's tricycle part is fixed by spring locking buckle, easy to install. The tricycle is mounted in multiple parts because of its versatility. The installation is slightly more complicated, but can be done accurately with the help of the installation instructions and the installation video on the link