6-In-1 Multifunctional Tricycle : Adorable and beautiful design ,this tricycle can be used as toddler tricycle, steering tricycle, learn-to-ride trike, stand alone trike or balance bike to Meet kids requirements at different ages. We recommend 12 -24months to use push tricycle,18-36 months baby to use three-wheel mode,2-5years old baby uses two-wheel balance bike mode. Best 6 in 1 design tricycle and balance bike for baby,and grow with Your Toddlers,Easy to Assemble,Sturdy Portable Trike:Our baby bike just need to install the handlebar and seat within minutes according to the instructions of the manual. Very easy to assemble and light weight with durability. it and then transform it as needed,perfectly suitable for growing with baby.Quick Folding & Lightweight Design for Easy Carrying.Therefore, you can place the toddler tricycle in back of the car for traveling or store it with more convenience when not in use,Sturdy and Comfortable:Toddler trikes has safety frame, durable widen silent and high-grade rubber wheels ,letting baby tricycle ride on multiple ground surfaces,like brick road, pavement,cement and grass. Soft handle grips and seat make kids'comfortable riding.The canopy can provide you with different degrees of deployment to adapt to the changing outdoor weather and protect your baby from the sun,Adjustable Push Handle, Convenient for Parents to Use: The height of parent handle can be adjusted to meet the different needs of parents. The push handle is also removable to let kids enjoy the free riding,SAFETY GUARANTY: Fully enclosed wheel avoid clamping baby's feet. Our kids bike has been passed safety testings required, all the materials and design are safe for kids, please feel assured to choose. If you are not satisfied with our bike, please feel free to contact us, we will be happy to work out a replacement and give a solution