XJD Kids Tricycles for 1 to 3 Years Old, Toddler Tricycle Kids Trikes Tricycle for 2-3 Year Olds, Toddler Bike with PU Wheels, Adjustable Seat, Storage Basket, Present Toys for Boy & Girl (Pink)

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Toddler Tricycle: This toddler tricycle is perfect for beginners and is designed specifically for girls and boys aged 18 months to 4. They are curious and excited about exploring the world, which helps cultivate children's early driving skills, driving and coordination abilities.,Adjustable Seat: This kids tricycle seat designed specifically for toddlers can move forward and backward to accommodate a larger age range and ensure that your child enjoys the best riding position. And equipped with a storage basket, it can accommodate children's toys. This tricycle can grow together with children aged 1 and a half to 5 years old.,Enhanced Anti-Rollover Function: The sturdy triangular frame and wider rear wheels minimize the risk of tipping or overturning, increase stability, and make cycling safer. The smooth edges and anti slip handles also provide better support for them when learning active gaming in the early stages.,Indoor and Outdoor Comfortable Riding: The sturdy PU wheels have excellent shock absorption performance, ensuring that your child can comfortably and smoothly conquer various terrains. This children's tricycle is ergonomically designed and equipped with a more comfortable small butt seat, increasing comfort while being easy to carry.,Present to Accompany Children's Growth: This tricycle for toddlers is easy to install and made of safe and durable materials. Allowing your child to enjoy cycling, gain confidence, and develop muscle strength is a fun present for them. Suggestion: Children must be accompanied by adults when cycling.

XJD Kids Tricycles


Toddler's Tricycle for 1-3 years allows your child to enjoy riding, gain confidence, and develop muscle strength, making it a fun present for children.

toddler tricycle
toddler tricycle
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