Flat packed (not rolled in a tube which is a pain to get it straight), durable, long lasting color and strong adhesive. Tested outside in extreme weather for many months as shown in the video.,This map of US with an artwork of each state that they are famous for, is also ideal for scrapbook and scrapbooking for children, classroom, homeschool, friends and families. This educational set of non magnetic decals goes well on the wall, door and window.,Create memories of your camping trip using visual display of the states you have visited. This set of decal sticker can be used indoor and outdoor, have uv protection, rain proof, weather resistant and very durable.,This travel tracker decal can be a great gift to be used on car windshield, car bumper, dorm room and kitchen fridge.,Whether you are boondocking or staying at a campsite, our sticker will be a conversation starter. Commemorate your road trip whether you are using motorhome, fifth wheel, camper or RV with these premium vinyl decal set with a strong adhesive back.,Sticks perfect to most objects like glass, plastic, metal and wood. Dry wall is NOT recommended. Packaged flat with a cardboard sheet to avoid curls and weather damages.