【Multifuncional design】Whether it's leisure time, playtime or family time, this lightweight, single-piece tricycle is ready to go!This 1-3 years old toddler tricycle can switch multiple modes, pedal-less four-wheeled balance bike mode; no pedal two wheels balance bike; four wheels bike; two wheels bike; the parent can decide whether to leave pedal when use the gifts for 2 year old girls and boys.This 3-wheel balance bike for one year olds is sturdy and durable, easy to switch between different modes, adjustable design for growing kids.,【Easy to install】This 4-in-one kids balance bike is easy to install in three minutes or less for parents. The rear wheels of the toddler trike bike do not need to be removed for mode change.mounts feature push-button and snap-on designs. The baby tricycle is lightweight and compact for easy storage.,【High quality and comfortable】This kids ride on toys are made of high hardness high tube, with lightweight and portable features at the same time to ensure good load-bearing capacity; seat with pv material, skin-friendly and soft, so that the child's riding process has a comfortable experience.,【Safety protection】The handle of this balance trike with steering limitation is made of TPE non-slip material with a granular surface treatment, which keeps your kid’s hands from slipping even when your kids sweat.The surface of the EVA tires of one year old boy birthday gift has a non-slip texture treatment, which makes toddler bike possible to travel without obstruction even after rainy roads.The special grain design makes the wheels of this seat-comfortable children's tricycle more non-slip, even in the rained outdoor park, can take care of the baby's safety,【Height adjustable seat】The lightweight 2 year old girl toys can be adjusted in four heights and the seat in two heights, making the toddler tricycle suitable for adults of different sizes and children of different ages.This versatile children's tricycle is great for adults to walk and camp with their children!