De-Clutter and Maximize Your Garage Space: Overhead storage bin rails are the ideal solution to tidy up your garage area. Mount our sturdy storage bin rails to lift gear off the floor for protected and organized storage.,Optimize Your Unused Ceiling Space: Tote slide storage system transforms forgotten ceiling space into practical storage capacity. Lift out-of-season items, camping supplies and clutter up and away for a tidy and organized area.,Robust Steel Storage: Ceiling tote storage rails feature resilient steel construction supporting heavy loads up to 150lbs. The durable powder coated finish resists scratches, rust and wear for reliable, enduring storage.,Effortless Overhead Storage: Garage tote storage system install securely to 16" ceiling joints for swift, hassle-free mounting. Ceiling tote storage rails fit common bins(bins not included) for quick and easy storage.,Worry-Free Smart Storage: Our overhead storage bin rail system comes with a limited lifetime warranty for lasting performance. The innovative ceiling-mounted design delivers extra space to organize your garage.