MULTI-FUNCTIONAL RIDE: This tricycle folds up compactly for convenient storage and transportation, yet unfolds to provide toddlers a stable 3-wheel ride for indoor or outdoor fun.,ERGONOMIC DESIGN: Adjustable seat and handlebars grow with the child from 10-36 months, keeping them comfortable and in control as they learn to pedal, steer and balance.,SAFETY FIRST: Non-slip pedals, rear wheel brake and low center of gravity provide stability, while padded seat and handle grips offer protection as little ones discover independent mobility.,COMPACT PORTABILITY: Folds down quickly and easily to a small portable size for car trips or stowing at home, extending the enjoyment wherever adventures may lead.,SOLID CONSTRUCTION: Sturdy steel frame and non-toxic plastic parts are built to withstand enthusiastic toddler use indoors or out, while remaining lightweight for easy adult lifting and carrying.