MULTIFUNCTIONAL TRICYCLE: This newly upgraded toddler tricycle has five modes to switch between at will, push balance bike mode, tricycle mode, balance bike mode, and slide mode,PARENT STEERING HANDLE: Equipped with a sturdy push handle, it provides parents with ultimate control and allows them to assist their child while they learn to pedal and steer. The height is adjustable in four levels 35.4 to 41.4 inches to accommodate most adult,TRICYCLE FOR TODDLER 1-3: This kid's tricycle comes with adjustable handlebars and seat, the seat is height adjustable by 1.5in (4cm), removable footrests, and 2 positions to put the footrests. Adapts to growing children to ensure a comfortable and customized fit.,ONE-TOUCH FOLDING FUNCTION: One button folding opens the tricycle body and folds it into a compact size for easy transportation and storage with the push of a button. Compared with other tricycles, XJD tricycle has extra handlebar seat lift function, one button folding function,STRONG AND COMFORTABLE: The kids tricycle is made of safe carbon steel frame, durable wider silent wheels, sturdy enough for indoor or outdoor riding. Soft handle and seat make kids ride comfortably