8-IN-1 TRICYCLE FOR TODDLERS - KRIDDO tricycle is built to adapt as your child grows, transitioning from a stroller for toddlers as young as 18 months to a trike for older kids up to 5 years old! It serves as a stroller for kids aged 1.5-3 years and as a tricycle for those aged 3-5 years.,TOP-NOTCH SAFETY FEATURES - Safety is our top priority! Our kids' trike comes with a 5-point seatbelt, providing two additional support points for enhanced safety over the standard 3-point seatbelt. A five-point harness can securely fasten a child's body in place, providing a more comfortable riding experience. With 1-step brake pedal, safety rearview window, 3-footrest, detachable guardrail, and retractable canopy, all designed to ensure your child is safe and secure for every ride.,ULTIMATE CONVENIENCE - Our tricycle stroller folds more thoroughly and is more convenient to carry, and equipped with a handy storage compartment and cup holder. Perfect for storing water bottles, toys, snacks, and wipes! And with the Safety Rearview Window, you can see the child's status at any time.,ADJUSTABLE PARENT HANDLE & ROTATABLE SEAT - With a removable and adjustable push handle and a 360 degree rotatable seat, our toddler tricycle ensures both parents and kids enjoy a comfortable and smooth ride! Ideal for children aged 2-4 years.,EASY TO CLEAN AND MAINTAIN - Our toddler tricycle is a breeze to keep clean with a machine-washable seat pad and surfaces that are easy to wipe down. Whether after long bike rides or hours of sit-and-spin fun, keeping it tidy is simple and quick! Ideal for children aged 2 years and older.