2-IN-1 DESIGN: This wooden children's tricycle features a unique 2-in-1 design that can easily transform into a balance bike or a tricycle according to the child's need. This versatile design offers flexibility to accommodate children at different stages.,CARTOON PRINT DESIGN: The tricycle features adorable cartoon prints on the body, adding more fun and appeal for children. This design not only makes the tricycle cute and interesting but also stimulates children's imagination and creativity.,COMFORTABLE AND ADJUSTABLE SEAT: Our tricycle offers both comfort and adaptability. The adjustable seat height caters to children of different ages, ensuring a comfortable riding position as they grow. Made from soft, cozy material, the seat provides a pleasant experience during short trips or long rides. Give your child the joy of a comfortable and customizable riding adventure.,COMES WITH AN INCLUDED BASKET FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE: This wooden children's tricycle comes with a convenient basket where children can place their small toys, water bottles, or other belongings. It allows children to carry their essentials and also helps develop their organizing and arranging skills.,ATTENTION TO SAFETY: We have always prioritized the safety of toddlers. The KRIDDO kids balance bike, designed for children aged 1 to 4 years old, is made of high-quality materials that conform to the American toy standards. This ensures their safety during play. While you will receive a sturdy kids bike, please remember not to leave your baby unattended while playing with it.