【4 in 1 Tricycle】This toddler tricycle allows you to effortlessly transform it to 4 modes: push tricycle mode (18 months+), tricycle mode (36 months+), balance bike mode1 (24 months+), and after swapping the front and rear wheels, it becomes the balance bike mode2 (28 months+),【Reliable Quality】Our toddler push bike designed to provide endless hours of fun and adventure for your little ones. Equipped with EVA silent wheels, this kids trike ensures a smooth and quiet ride for a both indoor and outdoor use. The pedals can be stored under the seat, and the interesting handlebar adds a unique fun, allowing your child to steer with ease and confidence,【Steering Push Handle】Our kids push trike comes with adjustable push handle, which has a 124° rotation limit, helping parent control the speed and direction of tricycle more safely. Unhookable pedals also supports two position – First gear position: The pedal does not control the front wheel and can serve as a footrest. Second gear position: By continuing to insert, the pedal can control the front wheel,【Easy to Assemble】This tricycle for toddlers 1-7 only takes you a minute to install, and all accessories are tool-free. JMMD toddler bike with push handle is an ideal choice for birthday or holiday gifts for boys and girls. Get ready to watch your toddler's face light up as they explore the world on our push bike,【Buy with Confidence】:Please feel free to contact us if you have any question about JMMD kids trike, we will provide for satisfaction after-sales program, please rest assured to buy