Four-in-One: No pedal balance bike (for skating); no pedal tricycle (learn to walk); with pedal tricycle (learn to ride); with pedal widened tricycle (can be used for children to play). The special rear wheel change way so applicable age is wider,Applicable Age: Two-Four years old. Upgraded version of the children's tricycle has a widenable rear wheel design with removable pedals, can be applied to different stages of children to learn to ride and feel the ride,Effective Protection: We specially design the seat plus backrest form to prevent the child's sudden backward leaning during the ride, giving enough buffer time to reduce the impact and minimize the risk of injury during the ride,Sturdy and Soft: BIKE WORK children's tricycle with a strong enough high carbon steel frame. EVA foam tires can bring quiet and glide ride. Soft handlebar cover will not damage the child's skin. The above three points create BIKE WORK children's tricycle,Easy to Install: We are equipped with instructions, installation tools and assembly videos. Simple and easy to learn and you can quickly complete the assembly