【Classic Toddler Tricycle】:Different from the general size on the market, JMMD kids tricycle for toddlers uses a larger body size, suitable for a wider range of age groups from 18 months to 5 years old. The size of tricycle is 18.8*29.5*24.8inches, weight capacity is 59 lbs,【Easy to Install】:Our boys tricycles age 1.5-5's structure frame is very simple, you only need 5 minutes to complete the assembly of the tricycle. The seat can be adjusted according to preference, and the front and rear adjustment range is 1.22inches,【Reliable Quality】:JMMD boys tricycles age 1.5-9 uses high quality rubber tires, provides convenience for kids to ride on all terrains. This tricycle is very suitable for beginners, bringing children the joy of riding,【Storage & Fun】:JMMD toddler trike with a removable rear basket and bell, allowing children bring their favorite toys along every ride. JMMD kids tricycle is also an ideal choice for birthday or holiday gifts for boys and girls aged 18 months-9 years,【Buy with Confidence】:Please feel free to contact us if you have any question about JMMD kids trike, we will provide for satisfaction after-sales program, please rest assured to buy