7 In 1 Tricycle: Accompany children at different stages; Multiple modes: push trike, toddler tricycle, steering tricycle, training trike or standard trike and so on; Reversible seat allow toddlers to enjoy the view or interact with their parents,Multiple Adjustment: Three position adjustable backrest for kids of different heights; Adjustable canopy; Three height push rod for easy parent operation; Detachable push rod allows children to ride independently; Recommended Age: 6 months+,Simple To Fold: The toddler trike folds quickly for easy storage and travel; The central and rear foot pedals are foldable; There is a front wheel clutch to release or limit the foot pedal; The front handle is collapsible; Detachable armrest,Safe & Comfortable Space: With non-inflatable wheels suitable for different terrain; Overall shock-proof and quiet; Double brakes on the rear wheels allow for emergency one-click braking; Three-point safety belt with sponge guardrail; Visible canopy,Grow With Your Kids: The overall use of high-quality metal frame; Multiple storage space, including rear storage basket, back storage bag, front storage basket; Ideal for Christmas, birthdays and other occasions