5-IN-1 COMPACT TRICYCLE - Get ready to roll with Liki, the most compact folding trike. With five different modes, this small-fold trike is designed to grow with your child, encouraging them to explore the world with ease and confidence.,CONVENIENT - With a patented design, Liki folds & unfolds at the click of a button in seconds. It fits in a trunk of a car & most airplane overhead bins. As a stroller alternative, take it wherever you go & keep your toddler engaged the entire time.,CHILD DEVELOPMENT - Liki promotes physical and mental development by helping strengthen muscles, improve balance & enhance motor skills. As your child gains confidence and develops their skills, they can transition to tricycle or bike mode.,COMFORTABLE - Liki boasts a convenient backrest folding lever, thoughtfully integrated to allow seamless adjustments to the backrest recline position. This user-friendly design provides both comfort and versatility during your child's ride.,SAFE RIDE - Features include a dual-steering system with a parent-control bar and tether strap to assist your child until they’re ready to ride independently, a UPF 50 & water-repellent canopy, a 5-point harness, and an armrest for secure seating.,MADE TO LAST - Made from premium-grade fiber-reinforced polymers, durable soft-ride wheels, and rust-free aluminum profiles, the Liki Trike is designed to last. It comes fully assembled, providing ease of use right from the start.,WHAT’S INCLUDED - The Doona Liki Trike S3 includes shoulder pads, a padded armrest, a 5-point harness, pedal straps, a cup holder, and a storage bag.