?4-in-1: (1),Tricycle without pedals for kids to learn to walk; (2),Tricycle with pedals for children to learn to ride; (3),Balance bike without pedals for kids to sliding; (4),Baby bike with pedals for kids to Learn to ride and keep balance,?Easy to Assemble: The structure of the toddler bike is simple, you can complete assembly in 3 minutes. Your children can also complete the mode switching by themselves, convenient and fast,?Upgraded Seats: The Kids Tricycles have large Seat Area and comfortable Seat Backrest, compared to other toddler trikes. It works with adjustable forward and backward seats giving it a wider age of use and keeps your child in the best riding position,?Portable and Foldable: The Balance bike has a portable handle behind the seat, and the detachable pedal can be stored under the seat. The foldable tricycle can greatly save space,?Sturdy and Safe: Our toddler bike has a safe carbon steel frame, and durable wide silent wheels, strong enough for riding indoors or outdoors. Curved edge design minimizes the risk of injury while riding, thus better protecting your baby