5 IN 1 TODDLER BIKE: It can be tricycle mode with pedals, tricycle mode without pedals and two-wheeled balance bike, all can help develop your baby's balance, train your baby to learn to steer,SHOCK ABSORBING BIG WHEELS: Big wheels for kids 2-6 help reduce bumps and vibrations while riding, minimizing the risk of injury during riding, and wider, fully enclosed wheels avoid pinching baby's feet for better protection and increased comfort,STURDY AND COMFORTABLE: Made of high carbon iron frame; Smooth edges and kids tricycle with handle provide better support for your baby; The balance bike adjustable seat cushion is designed and manufactured according to human body craftsmanship, providing a more comfortable seat for baby,ADJUSTABLE SEAT AND LIGHTWEIGHT: The kids bike with adjustable seat to accommodate baby's height whenever needed, and can be used from 2 years old to 4 years old; Only 6.6lbs weight, parents can take it outside easily,FULLY ENCLOSED WHEELS: The fully enclosed wheel design completely seals the edge of the wheel to prevent children from accidentally getting their feet stuck during riding, ensuring the safety of children and giving parents greater peace of mind,EASY TO ASSEMBLE AND USE: The tricycle structural frame is designed to be simple; You only need to follow the instructions in the instruction manual to quickly complete the assembly within a few minutes and enjoy the fun of riding,BALANCE TRAINING: This toddler bike is an ideal partner for your baby to learn to ride; Whether it is a gift or an everyday toy, it can help your baby improve his balance ability, cultivate steering, coordination and confidence