Tricycle for Toddlers 1-3 : This tricycle for kids is designed specifically for children aged 18 months to 3 years old, which can cultivate children's driving ability and sports skills well, and bring a joyful riding experience. The bright colors of kids trike are also loved by kids. This tricycle for toddlers highly loved by girls boys, and I believe they will look forward to receiving this.,Safety Riding: Safety is the most important for children riding. This toddler trike features a sturdy triangular frame and wider rear wheels, which help prevent children from tipping over or overturning while riding, better protecting their safety. Maximum load-bearing capacity of 45LB, suitable for boys and girls aged 1.5 to 3 year olds to ride.,Smooth Riding: The wheels of this kids tricycle are designed with sturdy,anti slip & PU silent, not only providing excellent shock absorption performance and a smooth driving experience, ensuring that your child can ride smoothly on different terrains but also there will be no noise generated during cycling. It can be driven quietly and steadily indoors and outdoors.,Adjustable&Comfortable Seats: This baby tricycle features adjustable seats that can be moved back and forth to accommodate children aged 18 months to 3 years old. The soft and ergonomically designed seats also provide maximum riding comfort for children, TPR handle provides comfort during cycling.,Large Storage Basket: This kids tricycle can be used for a long time. The trikes for kids toddlers has a large storage box that allows children to bring their favorite toys or other items with them every time they ride. It is easy to install and comes with a manual, which you can follow to install. If you have any questions, please contact me.