Colorful Sorting Experience: Explore colors and numbers while enjoying the vibrant sorting activity with 10 numbered barns and 4 colorful wagon carriages, all pulled by a locomotive.,Open Train for Interactive Play: The train features a detachable roof, allowing children to place figures inside for interactive fun.,Explore Colors and Numbers: Engage in loading, unloading, stacking, and sorting with the numbered barns, fostering learning through play.,Inspiring Role-play with Fun Figures and Farm Animals: Encourage imaginative play with a farmer inside the locomotive and farm animals in each of the 9 barn carriages, doubling as hand puppets for creative role-playing.,Great Build-and-Play Set: Combine construction and play with this engaging set, inspiring creativity and learning through hands-on activities.,Family Fun to Share: Create lasting memories and share developmental milestones with toddlers, fostering family bonding through play.