48 Brilliant and Lively Colors: The extensive color range offers great mixability and enjoyment. Ideal for designing your scrapbook, bullet journal, planner, Christmas cards, greeting cards, or any DIY craft projects.,Double Tip Acrylic Paint Pens: Each marker features a 1-5mm rounded tip and a 1mm fine tip. This Double tip design accommodates various coloring requirements. The fine tip is perfect for outlining and intricate line work, while the rounded tip is ideal for covering large areas and adding details.,Enhanced Cotton Nibs Design: Diverging from standard push-type acrylic pens, our acrylic markers feature cotton nibs, enabling direct usage and faster drying. Reminder: Kindly secure the cap tightly and store the pens horizontally when not in use.,Versatile Surface Compatibility: acrylic markers deliver seamless ink application across a wide range of materials including paper, cardstock, metal, rocks, wood, plastic, canvas, fabrics, ceramics, and beyond. Crafted with high-quality opaque water-based ink that is odorless and acid-free, ensuring the longevity of your artwork's vibrant colors. Unleash your creativity and bring your imagination to life.,Acrylic Markers:The Acrylic Paint Pens are an excellent choice for birthdays, Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, Thanksgiving, New Year, or any special occasion. Whether it's for your sister, brother, daughter, granddaughter, son, kids, wife, or anyone who loves painted rocks, these pens are sure to delight. Share the joy of creativity with these DIY-friendly pens, bringing vibrant colors into their lives and enabling them to craft unique decorative items.