Complete DIY Experience : Unleash your creativity with our diamond art kits for adults, which include 8 beautifully designed coasters, a set of vibrant diamonds, and essential diamond painting accessories. Each kit also features a diamond painting pen, clay glue, and a diamond tray, providing everything you need for an immersive DIY coaster creation.,Easy and Engaging for All Ages : This diamond painting set is for beginners and experienced crafters alike. Simply follow the numbered guide to stick the diamonds on the coasters. Add the stickable cork bases for a polished finish, making these diamond art coasters an easy and engaging project for all ages.,Uncompromising Quality and Durability : Our diamond painting kits are crafted from thickened wood and feature a cork base for a non-slip grip. Apply diamond paint sealer to ensure these coasters retain their shine and beauty over time, offering durability and elegance in every use.,Versatile Craft Kits for Adults : Ideal for various arts and crafts projects, from home DIY competitions to beginner painting classes, our diamond art kits inspire creativity. These coasters are perfect for decorating dining tables, coffee tables, and office desks, making them versatile additions to your craft supplies for adults.,Gifts for All Occasions : These diamond art accessories make thoughtful gifts for family and friends. Whether for birthdays, holidays,christmas,halloween, or just because, these coasters with a coaster holder showcase your artistic touch, transforming everyday items into beautiful, functional art pieces.