Use the latest version of the 'Nix Toolkit App' to avoid software bugs and connection issues - Scan any object or surface to instantly match to 200,000+ brand name paints. Not just for paint - Instant RGB, HEX, CMYK and more digital colour values. Match to Pantone, RAL and NCS premium databases with a paid subscription.,COLOR ACCURACY NOTE: The scan results in the toolkit app may not visually match the object perfectly due to screen brightness and phone settings. However, the scanned color will be accurate for paint matching in real-world projects and in graphic designs with a calibrated monitor. The Mini 3 is not recommended for color matching automobile exterior colors,IMPORTANT SETUP STEPS: Connect your Nix Mini 3 to a charger via USB-C; it will pulse orange while charging and green when fully charged (about 3 hours). Download the Nix Toolkit App and make sure it is the latest version. Enable location services and wireless connectivity, then connect your device through the app and place it on a flat surface to scan for accurate results.,To match paint, use the "Match to paint brands" feature in the app and first select your brand including Benjamin Moore, Behr, PPG, and more. Paint libraries vary by country, The Nix toolkit app does not include all paint brands and may not include new libraries when they are initially released. Explore the app to verify your preferred paint brand and library is offered (no device needed). Note: Not recommended for touch jobs. Paint the entire wall or surface edge-to-edge for consistency.,TROUBLESHOOTING - Use calibration tile if there is a drift in color accuracy. Screen brightness and settings impact how the color will appear on your device. First party support and compatibility is only available with Android and iOS devices.,Included components - Nix Mini 3 color sensor, diagnostics tile, soft USB-C cable, Nix lanyard